
Perky Penguins

Children will love creating these chocolate penguins - the fruit pastilles and icing decorations add a fun wintery finish

  • Cooking Time Prep 40 mins
  • Skill Level Easy
  • Servings
Nutrition per serving
  • Kcalories


  • Protein


  • Carbs


  • Fat


  • Saturates


  • Fibre


  • Sugar


  • Salt


  • 3 jumbo chocolate buttons
  • 150g icing made from royal icing sugar
  • 3 walnut whips
  • 100g chocolate flavour ready-to-roll fondant icing
  • 3 red fruit pastilles (we used Tesco as they look like wooly hats)
  • 1 orange fruit pastille
  • black writing icing
  1. Cut the jumbo chocolate buttons in half and place together in pairs, rounded sides touching, to make feet. Snap the walnut off the top of the walnut whip and discard. Put a little royal icing on each pair of feet and stick a walnut whip on top.
  2. Divide the fondant icing in three. Take one piece and roll out into a sausage that is fat in the middle and thin at both ends. Flatten the ends to make flippers. Place the sausage on top of the walnut whip and shape the fat middle section into a head. Leave the flippers to hang free at the sides.
  3. To decorate, put the remaining royal icing into a piping or plastic bag and snip a tiny bit off the end. Pipe a circle on the front of each penguin. Pipe two dots for eyes. Pipe a circle on top of each head and stick on a fruit pastille. Pipe a blob on top for a bobble.
  4. Carefully cut three triangular pieces from the orange fruit pastille and stick on the face. Using the black writing icing pipe black dots in the centre of each eye. Leave to set.


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