
Passion-Mango Delight With Coconut Whip

These individual pudding pots are a taste of the tropical. The light fruit mousse is topped with a creamy whip laced with coconut liqueur

  • Cooking Time Prep 2 hrs
    Cook 10 mins
  • Skill Level Easy
  • Servings Serves 8
Nutrition per serving
  • Kcalories


  • Protein


  • Carbs


  • Fat


  • Saturates


  • Fibre


  • Sugar


  • Salt


  • 50g desiccated coconut
  • 2 tbsp granulated white sugar
  • 1 egg white
  • For the passion-mango mousse
  • 4 really ripe mangoes
  • 6 really ripe passion fruits, nice and wrinkled on the outside
  • juice 1 lime
  • 2 gelatine leaves
  • 150ml double cream
  • 2 large egg whites
  • 85g golden caster sugar
  • For the coconut whip
  • 1 large egg white
  • 3 tbsp caster sugar
  • 2 tbsp Malibu
  1. First collect 8 glasses to serve your mousses in, and put to one side. Put the coconut and granulated sugar in a bowl and, using a hand blender, whizz together until finely chopped. In another bowl, froth the egg white using a fork. Dip each glass rim into the egg, shake off any excess, then dip into the coconut mixture. Leave to set and dry.
  2. To make the mousse, cut all the flesh from the mangoes. Put the fruit into a blender or food processor with the pulp from the passion fruit and lime juice. Blend to a smooth purée, then set a sieve over a large bowl and sieve to remove any passion fruit seeds. Put the gelatine leaves in a bowl of cold water to soften.
  3. Heat the cream in a small saucepan until it's just about to start bubbling. Turn off the heat. Squeeze out the softened gelatine leaves to remove excess water, then stir into the cream. When they have completely melted and no gelatine streaks remain, stir this into the mango mixture.
  4. Beat the egg whites until stiff. Add the sugar and beat to a thick, shiny meringue mixture. Fold a little of the mango mixture into the meringue with a big metal spoon or spatula. Gently fold in the rest (you're trying to get rid of all the meringue streaks, while retaining as much air in the mousse as possible . Ladle into a jug and divide between the glasses. Chill overnight to set.
  5. To serve, beat the egg whites until stiff. Add the sugar and beat to a shiny, thick meringue, then beat in the Malibu. Spoon into a piping bag (or food bag with the corner snipped off) and pipe a blob onto each mousse. To save time, do this 1 hr ahead and pop them back into the fridge.
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